The criteria retailer must meet to receive a reduced penalty and/or protect the license/permit if an illegal alcohol sale takes place at the establishment is often referred toAntidisestablishmentarianism Words. How to. 1741, William Shenstone, Letters: I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication of money. View more answers. Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels. See also: Religion. Below is a massive list of antidisestablishmentarianism words - that is, words related to antidisestablishmentarianism. This 28-letter word, which is the name of a movement in 19th century England against the disestablishment of the Church of England, sure is a mouthful. Opposition to the establishment of the Church of England as the recognized national Church. In Reply to: Separation of church and state posted by Bob on December 24, 2006: : : : Can someone help with a phrase that is always been of great discussion? Many say it is from the U. com, a comprehensive online dictionary and thesaurus. . Disestablishmentarianism is a movement to end the Church of England 's status as an official church of the United Kingdom . Brobdingnagian. The point here is to know that you can guess the meaning of a word, no matter how long, if you remove the affixes, find the root word and adjust the meaning according to. Originally published as part of the entry for antidisestablishmentarianism, n. This infamously long-winded term can also refer to a particular political movement that opposed getting rid of the Church of England as. com!Meaning of antidisestablishmentarianism. Learn more. ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM definition: opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church,. The word is very occasionally found in genuine use, but is most often cited as an example of a very long word. ; streetracer — 20. ds. adj. One cannot decompose establish, the stable root of the word, further; it comes, by way of former French establir (now établir ), from Latin stabilire, which derives from stabilis “stable. What is the opposite meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism? The opposite of ''antidisestablishmentarianism'' is ''prodisestablishmentarianism'', or simply ''disestablishmentarianism. Prizes if you could do antidisestablishmentarianism without drawing breath. English language. Affix is a general term for prefixes and suffixes. -Ologies & -Isms. -Ologies & -Isms. It was a word coined for one particular area of discussion in the history of the Church of England. The word comprises two parts: anti, meaning “against,” and disestablishmentarianism, which. The word is sometimes quoted as the longest word in the English language. What does antidisestablishmentarianism mean? Information and translations of antidisestablishmentarianism in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Antidisestablishmentarianism is used to specifically refer to people who opposed withdrawing support of the Anglican Church of England during the 1800s. the principles of those who oppose the with-drawal of the recognition or support of the state from an established church, usually used in referring to the Anglican church in the 19th century in England. But when a foreigner can do it in Russian, well. Antidisestablishmentarianism (word) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Submitted By: spellingfanatic - 13/01/2013. Definition of antiestablishmentarianism from the Collins English Dictionary. i. Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. 0. 6) Acknowledging this , I would suggest. The most common type of anachronism is an object misplaced in time, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical. See examples of ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIAN used in a sentence. 6. High-frequency words are thoseSocialism as Antidisestablishmentarianism is an illusion or deception effectively installed via the Establishment to effectively curtail opposition to the powers that be. A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group ("church") and a government ("stat. The publisher concludes: “There’s hardly any record of its use as a real word. Transpecie;. Learn more. That seems as good a way as any to describe how conservatives in the UK can be embracing Brexit while the Labour Party moves to the far left. Anti-establishment positions vary depending on political orientation. The term antidisestablishmentarianism was coined in the 19th century in Great Britain. e. Related. Opposed to <ant>disestablishmentarianism</ant>. FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION definition: the estimation of something as valueless ( encountered mainly as an example of one of the. How to say antidisestablishmentarianism. antidisestablishmentarianism - A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group" church" and a government" state", especially the belief held by those in 19th century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government or to refer to separation of church and state. [hapax legomenon from 19th c. aculeate. Antiestablishmentarian definition: . Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English language. Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position or doctrine that describes the movement to dissolve the legal separation between the state and the church. the principles of those who oppose the with-drawal of the recognition or support of the state from an established. The morphemes:Definition (noun): A political philosophy opposed to the disestablishment of the Church of England. See examples of DISESTABLISH used in a sentence. Secondly,. " Linguists claim this is an artificial word and that it does not deserve true "longest word" billing. See antiestablishmentarianism, kanye west, big brother, antidisestablishmentarianism. , be separated from the state). S. Antidisestablishmentarianism is also one of the longest non-scientific words in the English language. ইংরেজী নিয়ে ৩৯টি মজার এবং বিস্ময়কর তথ্যঃ- 1. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English Origins and Original Meaning. ogg|British sample, Audio-nohelp|Antidis. Antidisestablishmentarianism is often cited as one of the longest word in the English language. La facción que se oponía a. . Backwards Text Generator. an· ti· establishmentarian " + : antiestablishment antiestablishmentarian noun plural -s antiestablishmentarianism " + noun plural -s Word History Etymology antiestablishment +. Antidisestablishmentarianism is also referred to as one of the longest non-scientific words in the English language. To put it in a silly metaphor, imagine I have seven candy bars, Dan has none, and Steve also has none. Akamai is a server host that also hosts game profiles for Ubisoft, Riot, Roblox, and The Pokemon Company. University লেখার সময় v এর পরে e ব্যবহৃত কিন্তু Varsity লেখার সময় v এর পরে a ব্যবহৃত হয়। 2. I'm an establishmentarian because I want to keep things this way. stb. Opposition to the disestablishment or disenfranchisement of an official church, especially the Church of England; the belief that a nation should have an official church or support of official status for the Church of England. g. Opposition to separation of the church and state. For this reason, it is called the central, or free morpheme. If your elementary school teachers told. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5. the principles of those who oppose the with-drawal of the recognition or support of the state from an established church, usually used in referring to the Anglican church in the 19th century in England. The folks at Merriam-Webster. , acouesthesia and acoumeter. The definition is as follows: “Properly, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, but popularly cited as an example of a long word. The politician’s bombastic speech failed to resonate with many voters, who found it insincere. Contents. King Henry VIII, the ruler who kickstarted The Reformation. n. "Why was "antidisestablishmentarianism" banned in the first place? That we don’t know. Opposition to the severing of ties between a government and a particular established church, especially the 19th Century Anglican Church and England. Discussions; Members; About; Help; Sign In; Register; Post #524833 Author Pennsylvania Jones Parent topic Random Thoughts Link to post in topic. One of the longest words in the English language which means a country's power or position in fairness, corruption, justice, defence and other terms. Antiestablishmentarianism (or anti-establishmentarianism) is an expression for such a political philosophy. It is one of the longest words in the English language, and you may be surprised by its meaning. a person who advocates antidisestablishmentarianism. . zm, n. noun 1. Meaning and correct spelling of antidisestablishmentarianism? In England the Church of England is the established church which gives it special privileges compared to , say, the Roman Catholic church. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious definition: . ” Catching the. English term or phrase: antidisestablishmentarianism. It does not refer simply to "the establishment" in the 1960's sense of any form of authority. The word antidisestablishmentarianism can be traced back to the 19th century, when England was having something of a crisis about its traditions. . The existing system or institution. when you are so bored you hit one key, jump 2 keys then jump back and repeat through the whole keyboard from up to down giving. . ). You may have heard that the longest word in the world is antidisestablishmentarianism. ”. Antidisestablishmentarianism (noun) definition: opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England; most often used as an example of a very long word. tb. of or pertaining to antidisestablishmentarianism Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin. More about OED's frequency bands It was created by stringing together a series of Latin stems that, taken together, could conceivably describe an inflammatory lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust, a real disease already known popularly as black lung and technically called pneumoconiosis or silicosis. . Meaning Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. Thanks to our new backward text generator you can reverse any word or phrase to see what it would look like if read backwards! Writing backwards is fun and you can even use this online tool to startle your friends by having them read aloud the words as they appear written backwards or even sign up for a backwards. ) "opposition to disestablishment of the Church of England," 1838, said by Weekley to be first recorded in Gladstone's "Church. See examples of ANTIESTABLISHMENTARIAN used in a sentence. The end of the word, with the letters ( -ism ), suggests that this is a framework, concept, or belief that people work in. Antidisestablishmentarianism (/ntidsstblmntrinzm/ ( listen), US also /nta-/ ( listen)) is a position that advocates that a state Church (the established church) should continue to receive government patronage, rather than be disestablished. Gleeful middle schoolers love to say it because once you know this word, you. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. 01 times per million words in modern written English. Marked by opposition or hostility to conventional social, political, or economic values or principles, the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishmenthow to pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism,how to pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism meaning,how to pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism in english,. The position opposed proposals at that time to remove the Anglican Church ‘s status as the established church of England, Ireland, and Wales, but not in Scotland, which had and still has its own separate national church. noun antidisestablishmentarianism A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group ("church") and a government ("state"), especially the belief held by those in 19th century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government or to refer to separation of church and state. Learn more. Interestingly, the majority of you who did remember that. An official state church is called the established church, so a disestablishmentarian is a person who wants to stop the state church. Add to it in the following sequence. That means “antidisestablishmentarianism” fails to meet the “sustained and meaningful” requirement for inclusion in their dictionaries. There were many supporters of antidisestablishmentarianism in Wales. The definitions of the word Antidisestablishmentarianism has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Antidisestablishmentarianism. Menu. noun antidisestablishmentarianism A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group ("church") and a government ("state"), especially the belief held by those in 19th century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government or to refer to separation of church and state. Flickr/Lisby1. Unimaginatively has lots of vowels—eight in total, if you count the final y. May 28, 2021. The word honorificabilitudinitatibus, which is said to mean “capable of receiving honor,” has two major honors to its name. [ an-tee-dis- uh-stab-lish-m uhn- tair-ee- uhn, an-tahy- ] show ipa. On the other hand, sesquipedalian is primarily a linguistic term that describes a particular style of language use. Arabic translation: مناهضة الانشقاقية. Opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England. Titin is the largest known protein responsible for maintaining the passive elasticity of the muscles. What Is Antidisestablishmentarianism? Modern Uses Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is the origin of the word. Origin of antidisestablishmentarianism Expand. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English antidisestablishmentarianism pronunciation. The position opposed proposals at that time to remove the Anglican Church ‘s status as the established church of England, Ireland, and Wales, but not in Scotland, which had and still has its own separate national church. antidisestablishmentarianism anti- dis- establish -ment -arian -ism established establish -ed establishments establish -ment -s 15 . antidisestablishmentarianism < anti- +? disestablishmentarian +? -ism. opposition to the establishment of the Church of England as the recognized national Church. floccinaucinihilipilification ( uncountable) (often humorous) The act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless . The dictionary divides the word this way: anti + dis + establish + ment + ari + an + ism. We call this the etymology of words. antidisestablishmentarianism. SEE PREVIOUS WORDS. : It means "the act of rendering as useless. : from Latin, meaning beyond. But now, antidisestablishmentarianism can be used to describe any opposition to the withdrawal or recognition from an established religion or church. 55. nurane — 20. Seven Letter Word Alert: (1138 words) abasers, abashed, abashes, abasias, abaters, abettal, abetted, abetter, abiders, ablated, ablates, abrades, abraids, abrased. Meaning and correct spelling of antidisestablishmentarianism? In England the Church of England is the established church which gives it special privileges compared to , say, the Roman Catholic church. The English language permits the legitimate extension of existing words to serve new purposes by the addition of prefixes and suffixes. “I know the longest word. opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's…. antidisestablishmentarian,. )"opposition to disestablishment of the Church of England," 1838, said by Weekley to be first recorded in Gladstone's "Church and State. Saber más. The dictionary divides the word this way: anti + dis + establish + ment + ari + an. Antidisestablishmentarianism Definition: opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church,. Opposition to the establishment of the Church of England as the recognized national. It. The definition of this word is “A branch of science (medicine) that deals with the treatment of head, throat. 4) Try typing a two letter abbreviation in place of the word antidisestablishmentarianism and you can see the potential time saving. Based on its component parts, antidisestablishmentarianism would mean something like, "opposition to depriving a legally established state church of its status. Quiz Review. See Antidisestablishmentarianism for a sample and : Category : Articles including recorded pronunciations for a full list. antidisestablishmentarianism. It has been cited as the longest word iAntidisestablishmentarianism meaning in Urdu - Learn actual meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism with simple examples & definitions. Learn the origin, synonyms, and usage of this term from Dictionary. See also: Religion. pseudo-antidisestablishmentarianism: Definition. ) This is not about that movement, however. Pronunciation: æn-tai-dis-es-tæ-blish-min- ter -i-ên-iz-êm • Hear it! Meaning: 1. ]. The danger is always the barbarians at the gate, and if the "Civilized" can't install and control their own barbarians, chaos and destruction is likely to ensue. These people say a state church hurts the freedom of religion. Approval Status: Reject – already submitted. What is antiestablishmentarianism meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase antiestablishmentarianism refers to the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment. Also you will learn Antonyms , synonyms & best example sentences. opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's…. What is antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence? How to use antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence. a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease. One added to the back is a suffix. Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position. mntr. It's usually used to cite itself as a long word. For instance, the word “invention” includes the prefix in- + the root vent + the suffix -ion, from which is formed the noun “invention. From: antidisestablishmentarianism in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ». antidisestablishmentarianism rate. noun. It’s also a word that refers to a concept in church-state relations. Floccinaucinihilipilification – Just so much fun to say out loud! And aptly meaning "estimating something as worthless. com say that “based on its component parts,” antidisestablishmentarianism would mean something like “opposition to depriving a legally established state church of its status. . Advertisement Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Antidisestablishmentarianism (listen to British sample (info), American sample (info)) is a political position that originated in nineteenth-century Britain, where antidisestablishmentarians were opposed to proposals to remove the Church of England's status as the state church of England forwarded principally by both Payne and Tuffin. This dictionary also provide you 10 languages so you can find meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism in Hindi, Tamil ,. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. "Antidisestablishmentarianism", as a word, technically refers to a specific political movement which would have opposed removing the Church of England from its status as the "official" church of Ireland. Please have patience while we work to complete the page. ”. The word is very occasionally found in genuine use, but is most often cited as an example of a very long word. A official state church is called the "established" church, so a dis establishment arian is a person who wants to stop the state church. antidisestablishmentarianism — /an tee dis euh stab lish meuhn tair ee euh niz euhm, an tuy /, n. 01 times per million words in modern written English. It is a type of pneumoconiosis and is known in the United Kingdom and eastern United States as the "black lung". " The establishment is "the ecclesiastical system established by law" (1731), specifically "the Church of England" (1731). ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM: THE RELIGION CLAUSES AT THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM* Martin H. The description “king in Jerusalem” is in apposition with “the Preacher” not. antidisestablishmentarianism. Dis. Two examples of words like this are "antidisestablishmentarianism" and. This. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary. Word lists are in the order of the most common. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesNonlabor, sublabor, subsublabor, and unlabor were known as disantiestablishmentarianism or antidisestablishmentarianism and antiestablishmentarianism or disestablishmentarianism. Arianism. antidisestablishmentarianism synonyms, antidisestablishmentarianism pronunciation, antidisestablishmentarianism translation, English dictionary definition of antidisestablishmentarianism. Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. antidisestablishmentarian (plural antidisestablishmentarians) One who believes that the Church of England should retain its formal constitutional relationship with the state. Sign up for our newsletter Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. These people say the state should be secular,. It’s also a word that. opponents in 19th century England against separating the Anglican church from the state. What is the meaning of the suffix disestablishment? The word disestablishment in this seans means “the act of withdrawing exclusive state support from (a church). These people say a state church hurts the freedom of religion. " The idea and invention of the word is credited to songwriters Robert and Richard Sherman. Used in a Sentence: If "normal, established heirchy and practice" is your "bag" then you might be a believer in antidisestablishmentarianism. The top 4 are: state religion, disestablishment, church of england and nick clegg. στρηρισμός (compare στρηριγμός) might mean an establishing of such a church. A official state church is called the "established" church, so a disestablishmentarian is a person who wants to stop the state church. ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM definition: opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church,. disestablish: 1 v deprive (an established church) of its status Type of: deprive , impoverish take awaynounmeaning of a head morpheme, which is the role a prefix plays in English and are therefore able to understand its role in compound words. -Ologies & -Isms. Changing your Steam ID to include the word "antidisestablishmentarianism" will. 9. Antidisestablishmentarianism, on the other hand, is a stance that opposes the disestablishment of an established church and advocates for its continued influence and privileges within the state. Antiestablishmentarianism definition: . l. opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's…. -Ologies & -Isms. Utak mo'y naiwan, Your brain is left behind, Bago pa tuluyang nawasak ang lahat! Before everything else even collapsed! Ngayo'y tayo'y damay-damay, Now we suffer equal, Sa 'yong kahangalan. 8. So, when you put it all together, antidisestablishmentarianism means being against the movement to separate the Church of England from the state. 9 Unimaginatively. the principles of those who oppose the with-drawal of the recognition or support of the state from an established church, usually used in referring to the Anglican church in the 19th century in England. In 19th century Britain, it developed as a political movement in opposition to. e. Antidisestablishment definition: Opposed to the separation of church and state . The movement succeeded in England, but failed in Ireland and Wales, with the Church of Ireland being disestablished in 1871. opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's…. Starts with a, ends with m, seventeen consonants, eleven vowels and twelve syllables. The Definition of Antidisestablishmentarianism. 2) Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in nineteenth-century Britain, where antidisestablishmentarians were opposed to proposals to remove the Church of England's. antidisestablishmentarianism translate: 反对政教分离的学说. [ANTI + DISESTABLISHMENT + ARIAN + ISM]. Antidisestablishmentarianism is used to specifically refer to people who opposed withdrawing support of the Anglican Church of England during the 1800s. A mash-up of five Latin elements, it refers. antiestablishment… See the full definition. Nine. antidisestablishmentarianism - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Meaning Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. In the examples column, the words which contain the root are then listed, starting with their prefixes, for example, dysacousia, hyperacousia. What does antidisestablishmentarianism mean? Word Origins. Synonyms for antidisestablishmentarianism include piety, religionism, religiousness, religiosity, anti-secularism and anti-secularization. Infamous Socom Player. Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position or doctrine that describes the movement to dissolve the legal separation between the. What’s. antigen. ”study, hijak, nope, deft” শব্দগুলোর প্রথম ৩. -Ologies & -Isms. click for more sentences of antidisestablishmentarianism. Thank you for viewing, pl. What is the. Definition of 'antidisestablishmentarianism' antidisestablishmentarianism in American English. Slow down because we're well-versed in fights. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by. Learn how to use the easiest words finder here. | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und BeispieleThe word antidisestablishmentarianism is notable for its unusual length of 28 letters and 12 syllables (an-ti-dis-es-tab-lish-ment-ar-i-an-is-m), and is one of the longest words in the English language. a machine that uses an electric current to make someone's heart beat (= move) in a normal…. Synonyms for antidisestablishmentarianism include piety, religionism, religiousness, religiosity, anti-secularism and anti-secularization. The meaning of ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE is abs. , be separated from the state). Adding an affix to a root. Construction of the word. Meaning Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. Morphology - definition of morphology by The Free Dictionary These are some newer words that have been added to English to describe new concepts, ideas, and current trends. The longest word in English has 189,819 letters and takes 3 hours to pronounce. antidisestablishmentarianism typically occurs fewer than 0. Specifically, the. See antiestablishmentarianism meaning in Hindi, antiestablishmentarianism definition, translation and meaning of antiestablishmentarianism in Hindi. Google will point you to all sorts of decent translations: El movimiento de oposición a la separación entre iglesia y estado. In recent times this word is used in the context of governmental institutions that withdraws support from a religious institution. antidisestablishmentarianism (n. See ‘Meaning & use’ for. The term itself is often cited as one of the longest non-technical words in the English language. University লেখার সময় v এর পরে e ব্যবহৃত কিন্তু Varsity লেখার সময় v এর পরে a ব্যবহৃত হয়।. See also: Religion. Peter Sokolowski: But it reminds me of, for example, another word that many people think of as a long word or the longest word is antidisestablishmentarianism, which is a pretty easy word to define. Meaning Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. These people say a state church hurts the freedom of religion. 1 post published by zaye on October 25, 2008. Other similar curiosities are. Entered by: Ayman Medarwash. 6. A common way to remember this order is to remember the phrase "I Dig Phat Ladies - Mostly All Lesbian" which will help you to order the modes in the correct manner: Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian LocrianThis WordPress. This is about the word. 2015 at 19:44:16 The effect of testosterone technique which rather than cutting parts of the. What Is the Longest Word in English? Hint: It’s 189,819 Letters Long. 자세히 알아보기. Antidisestablishmentarianism: Definition & Politics Imperialism in China Lesson Plan European Imperialism in China: Trades, Battles & Treaties 7:21 Florence Nightingale Activities. "antidisestablishmentarianism" published on by null. It is when the king or queen breaks away from the church to form a religion of their own. ” Yet the publishers can find only three references to its actual use across the last century. Lists. original meaning, that is listed in a separate column. ] At 28 letters, it's the best-known. antidisestablishmentarianism (n. What is the meaning of the suffix disestablishment? The word disestablishment in this seans means “the act of withdrawing exclusive state support from (a church). In the year of your dictionary, 2023, “antidisestablishmentarianism” seems increasingly. He was right, too, by one way of counting them anyway: anti + dis + establish + ment + ari + an + ism. It’s also a word that refers to a concept in church-state relations. 001 and 0. The reason why this word is so long is that titin is formed by 244. Antiestablishmentarianism (or anti-establishmentarianism) is a political philosophy that views a nation’s or society’s power structure as corrupt, repressive, exploitative, or unjust. . More than 250,000 words that. Learn more. The longest English word. antidisestablishmentarianism ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, antidisestablishmentarianism là gì: 1. antidisestablishmentarianism. antidisestablishmentarianism definition: 1. What is the opposite meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism? The opposite of ''antidisestablishmentarianism'' is ''prodisestablishmentarianism'', or simply. antiestablishmentarianism: 1 n the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment Synonyms: antiestablishmentism Type of: doctrine , ism , philosophical system , philosophy , school of thought a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school Hinay-hinay dahil sanay kami sa away. ) Antidisestablishmentarianism This word is a noun and it originated in Britain in the 19th century. Give me my damn hamburger!this is the literal peak of boredom. ".